Thursday, March 31, 2011

Recent War

As many people already know, PurpleHaze and GrimEndNzelBest were recently at war with each other. I decided I wanted to try and post some end screens from the war, and maybe future sieges as well. The main reason for this is that the sieges and PvP have become a bigger part of Lineage for me and I wanted to share that adventure with the people that visit this blog.

I will not become an 'end shot only' poster. Screen shots from fights and sieges will be a small minority of my total posts, but I would still like to include them. The majority of my posts will still feature bosses, leveling, and anything else I can think of that readers might enjoy (any ideas and comments for things people like is welcome^^). If things start getting out of hand I will not hesitate to remove any of these posts and go back to having absolutely no fighting in my updates.

These screen shots are nothing personal against anyone that happens to be in them. I hope everyone is able to enjoy the game and enjoy my posts.

I am also looking into doing videos of fights and sieges as well. A friend pointed out that it might be easier with video because it doesn't focus purely on the end shots. If you know much about video capturing for videogames please leave a comment with advice or tips or software that is good for doing this. Thanks.

Keep it classy, keep it clean~!


I haven't updated in a few days. I am sorry to any avid readers of this blog that have not been able to see anything new from me haha. I just haven't had anything happen in-game that is currently worth posting.

If you follow this blog, then chances are you follow some of the other blogs and therefore know about the drama and fights that PurpleHaze have been involved in over the last little bit. The good news is that this is now worked out. PurpleHaze is at peace and back to being fully neutral...other than fighting AO, which doesn't really count since they hit most pledges in game and cannot be reasoned with.

The event is taking place now and a lot of people are grinding hard including myself. I will be spending most of my gaming time on grinding, so I will not post much until the event is over. I will post something on Saturday night or Sunday with a siege update and any other screens I might have gotten along the way. I think the siege this Saturday will be a lot of fun, and I hope I am able to make it.

From what I understand, GrimEndNzelBest will still be sieging us, but everything is left on the siege field....and maybe a few minutes after siege as well^^. I like this better personally. We get to have fun and a challenge on Saturday, and the rest of the week we can all be friendly and maybe even hunt together with a great group of players. I also wanted to do a once a week update with siege that would possibly include a collage of ends from each weeks siege. Omen how would you feel about this? Any GrimEnd that read this blog how would you feel? I know a few people on both sides always enjoy seeing siege screens, but I haven't ever posted many because they have ends in them. HYPNOTIC once told me he would like to see some with more ends from siege, even if they are of him lol. Any of this still hold true? I do not want to turn my posts into end only or have people offended by the blog...but at the same time the blog is about our adventures in Lineage, and sieging has become a big part of the week. Omen/PD?

I hope everyone is enjoying the event and fun teleports~!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Level Up, Buttercup Baby~!

I was able to level up a few days ago. We also have an event that starts on Wednesday's reset which will give exp food and pies. I am looking forward to this, and hopefully will find tiem between school and work to lvl lvl lvl.
One of the pledgemates was hunting on 30f and found Vampire while he was up there. I ran up to help him, but it didn't drop anything great. It was fun though. There were tons of mops that he had dragged with it by the time I got up there haha...took a while to clear everything to get Vamp alone.
I have been focusing more on leveling than Stunning in the Face, but here are a few random ones that I have gathered over the last week. Who is that noob in the lower left? QQ.

Event Soon~!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some Drops

Quick Update~!

It has been a crazy time recently haha. I went chao for the first time in a long time. Red is soooo sexy.
Going chaotic meant I got to spend some time in the castle dungeon, which is really good law by the way.
I also made some decent money getting back to neutral.
STRENGTH found a lame KV. Thanks Always fun ^^.
And here is proof that LeChat is a bish. To be fair to LeChat, he is my bish so that makes it better.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stun in the Face!

DestinyHero! I had to get him because he is my blogging inspiration and competition haha.
It is always nice to get kids in the fighting pledges.

I have only been hosting 'Stun in the Face' for a short time, but I already know that this will forever be one of the most prized stuns. NCSoft's very own....GMNyx!

GMs are said to be level 90...not too bad haha.

Keep up the good work~!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gambling night! GShock! Lame bosses! What a Friday! So many exclamation marks in one title!

I hate when bosses drop nothing...
Where is my Bcomr and 10k?
I like when I get to find this one solo, but he hasn't paid big yet. It is just a matter of time though, and it will be worth it!
GShock told me he doesn't read blogs. Not reading blogs only gets you one thing...
Stunned in the Face!

We had a pledge gambling night in the castle last night, but I was tired and forgot to take pictures. It was possibly the greatest game ever though. Here is how we played:

1. Get a group of people wanting to gamble into one party.

2. One party member gets to be the 'bank/house'

3. One person gambles at a time. When it is your turn to gamble you put your betting amount on the floor and say either 'odd' or 'even'. 'Odd/Even' refers to the amount of adena you think a monster is going to drop.

4. The 'bank/house' then uses a pine wand to summon a monster. The person that is betting on odd or even then kills the monster. If the gambling person guesses odd or even correctly they pick their own money back up, and get paid that amount from the 'bank/house'. If the betting person loses, then the 'house/bank' gets to keep the money. If the monster drops no adena, then the house wins.

It is a pretty fun game, and very easy to win or lose money quickly. After a while we had to set a betting limit because people were winning and losing 1million adena bets lol. I personally went up 650k in about 5minutes and then quit while I was up and started hunting experience LOL.

Today is Siege Saturday~!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lucky Stuff

Get to know our BP members!






And finally,Samoa's favorite...
"The hand of God"


Test Server Craziness

Me and NinjaStar went over to Test server last night to try a few different character builds. We went to top drake to PvP each other and found that there were a bunch of random bosses up all over Dragon Valley. Test server doesn't matter for drops and such because it isn't a real server, but I had a ton of fun running around on all our random characters and killing bosses. I am not going to take any time to edit Test server screen shots, but here are a few of the bosses and drops.

Most of the bosses were giving us 2-3 full screens of much better than live where you are lucky to get a few lines haha. We found other bosses too, but after a while I was tired of taking screens of all of them. I think my favorite was a Knight Vald that dropped us 3 81f charms haha.

Lets go have this fun on live~!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Stun in the Face~!

You have just been Stunned in the Face~!

Are you up to the challenge DestinyHero?


Boss, Ends, and Levels...Oh my!

It is always nice to find the castle boss up. So many people tend to hunt on 4f that it isn't always easy to find him. 100k from the Kent Armor and a Bzel isn't too bad.
I ran IQ for the first time in a very long time. I used to run IQ almost daily, but recently I just hunt for experience I guess. Mainly it was just a fun hunt with LeChat and Samoa, but darkness is not too bad of a drop from her.
I like getting Ice Queen Earring because it means I get to try and enchant them. I have pretty strict rules on my enchanting so that I don't blow millions in one sitting though. Anytime I have an accessory to enchant I allow myself to buy one accessory enchant scroll per night. The item either blows or goes +1 above its current enchant. If it goes +1 then I save it for the next night when I allow myself to buy another enchant scroll. I will let you know how this progresses lol.
STRENGTH was kind enough to call us to Giran Deathmatch tonight. We finished the match with plenty of time to have some no-risk PvP fun, but no one stayed to play with us. So me and NuttyBoi turned on STRENGTH. I guess I'm not very nice. Sorry STR.
I leveled this morning also! Thanks to NuttyBoi for lots of heals this morning before he took off. It saved me lots of potions, and also helped me level faster with his killing speed.

Have a good Monday~!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sometimes boring...

Fridays are tough for me to update because I work all day and then have a late class afterwards, so don't expect Fridays to have updates lol. Although you never know what might happen. This is all from playing last night, but as you will soon find out nothing cool happened o.o

I collected a few more crates. Luckily these are just an added bonus to normal hunting, otherwise I would probably be upset with how poorly they drop haha.
Decided to go gamble some gems. I didn't get anything super cool like Ogre Blood or Dragon Scales, but still wasn't bad. I obtained a decent amount of metals which is always nice.
Stun in the Face!
I was pretty tired last night, but I was able to arouse enough energy and excitement to stun all over samoa's face. Wait...what?

Saturday should lead to a more exciting post :)

See you there~!

Friday, March 11, 2011


It was a long day at work and then I got distracted, so I am posting much later than I originally planned. My schedule changes around a lot with classes on different days and such. I am still planning on posting daily (or close to daily) but there will never be a set time for when I update the blog each day. You will just have to be surprised lol.

People are always posting blog love from people in-game. No one ever gives me blog love. You are the first and only Raztux, thank you haha.
Stun in the Face!
LeChat, why do you get stunned so much? I think it is because Omen likes to see you get gives you bad luck. It also helps when you afk in the castle and I can attempt to stun you repeatedly...either way. The elf on the left was not pleased with being stunned.

PurpleHaze has been having PvP matches at Pandora with a few pledges just to gain some more practice and develop our teamwork. It has been a lot of fun, and we are getting closer as a pledge, which is making it nice. Thanks to all the pledges and people that help us^^. I also wanted to show off my mad skills in MS Paint. Sorry about end QinYu :(

So tired...goodnight :)