Apparently having Vergal (Vorpal/Verge) in my last post actually did make it more popular because within the first minute I logged into game I got this whisper:
Thanks BisonFone. I like your blog too!
As I said in the last post, I have been leveling a noob royal a little bit. She hit level 50 last night hunting with Katelyn in noob tos. Thanks for the hunt Katelyn!
Notice the empty F9 hotkey...maybe it is just me, but everytime I get close to leveling it seems to be the exact time that I run out of healing potions. Katelyn kept me healed for the last 10minutes because I was not willing to go get more haha.
Level 50 means sexy royal buffs^^
Level 50 also meant more of General Marcal's good.
I think EventClub is permanently pink lol.
This game looks familiar...
Anyone else want to join this bandwagon? I will post it! Or you can come up with another creative and appropriate way to use my character name haha.
Back to homework/school qq....Almost summer! v.v