Friday, May 28, 2010

About me!

Hi all, My name is Frankie. I live in New Zealand!
I been playing lineage for almost ummm who knows how long...I think 3 year ish on n off.
My ign is Samoa a lvl 60+ mage.
As some of you already know that my account got hacked late lastyear, oh well that is history now...
and who ever hacked me this is for you.... F U F U F U!!! lolz
Well now I am making a comeback thanks to my goodfriend Bloodomen and Botnaked and few others have been helping me out. Luv yew guys man lolz!

Anywayz me and few of my goodfriend decided to make a blog about our journey and adventure in lineage, so there you have it.

My spellings are bad so correct me if i get em wrong lolz!!


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